When we learned that former WtW Community Ambassador and current Community Ambassador Mentor Anna...
The Write the World Blog
Novel Writing Competition Winner: Aileen Bak
It’s tempting, as a writer, to try to tackle the BIG themes in your work: the meaning of life, the...
Creative Nonfiction Competition 2020 Winners Announced
Submissions to our Creative Nonfiction Competition carried readers into the lives of writers...
Speechwriting Competition Winner: Sophia Lindfield
To some, editing may seem like writing’s duller sibling; but great editing is actually a high-wire...
Creative Nonfiction Writing Tips with Rachel Friedman
Creative nonfiction invites writers and readers to look through a magnifying glass at the world...
Meet Speech Writing Best Delivery Winner Tiger-Lily Snowdon
In most cases, a piece of writing speaks for itself. But, as Tiger-Lily Snowdon’s (UK) win for...
Novel Writing Competition 2020 Winners Announced
November brought novel-writing to Write the World as young writers took to their notebooks (and...
Meet Speech Writing Competition Winner Edwige Ghembesalu
For athletes, the practice of cross-training in a different sport serves to strengthen their...
How Writing Can Change the World
By Anna Gibbs
Whether it be a speech, a poem, or an op-ed, words carry power. Words share...