Like an amuse-bouche—a small appetizer that provides a full taste experience in just one...
The Write the World Blog
Meet Grace Baeb, Winner of Our Sports Writing Competition
Writing a compelling and moving piece of journalism (or any writing!) often requires one to turn...
Flash Fiction Writing Tips with Janelle Milanes
Most writers could easily spend 99 words waxing poetic about the sky or ocean. However, crafting...
Science Fiction Competition Winner: Eloise Burger
There is often a false dichotomy of fan versus critic—the fan is there to enjoy, and the critic is...
Meet Science Fiction Competition Winner Zara Vale
At Write the World, we firmly believe that no matter how much you plan and outline a piece, you...
Sports Writing Tips from John Vitti
As the Sports Layout and Copy Editor for the Boston Globe, John Vitti, guest judge for our Sports...
Science Fiction Competition 2021 Winners Announced
From a destructive memory drive to a disappearing city, from a world behind screens to a mutant on...
Meet Best Peer Review Winner Amelia Protas
A peer review can be just as rewarding for the reviewer as it is for the recipient. As Amelia...
Meet Food Writing Competition Winner Eloise Davis
It’s easy to think that your experiences are only worth writing about if they are epic or...