For Ryder Kereopa (Australia), winner of our Nature & Environmental Poetry Competition, writing...
The Write the World Blog
Tips for Writing a Novel from Laura Wood
Writing a fictional character requires a seemingly paradoxical approach on the part of the...
Nature and Environmental Poetry Competition 2021 Winners Announced
It is critical to hold on to hope in the face of crisis; in fact, the ability to hope demonstrates...
Meet Best Peer Review Winner Rosie Finley
In an English or literature class, we’re always asking questions—why did an author use a certain...
Film/TV Series Review Competition Winner: Grace Choi
Here at Write the World, we’re all about the power of community; in fact, our entire platform is...
Nature & Environmental Poetry Advice from Ellen van Neerven
“Environment” is so much more than trees or rivers or mountains—it is a relationship to what...
Film/TV Series Review Competition 2021 Winners Announced
A great movie review enriches the experience of the viewer, adding depth to their understanding of...
Flash Fiction Competition Winner: Jayda Brain
A top-notch peer reviewer not only provides helpful feedback on a piece of writing, they also...
Meet Helen Li, Winner of our 2021 Flash Fiction Competition
While following the old adage of “write what you know” often leads to rich, thoughtful writing,...