There is perhaps no more exciting month for novel writing than November! Each year, literary...
The Write the World Blog
Speechwriting Competition 2020 Winners Announced
From a searing and poetic reflection on the lived experience of racism to a personal insight into...
Meet Best Peer Review Winner Nydia Dara
Writers often approach their work as an exercise in seeing the world through another’s eyes. But...
Historical Fiction Competition Winner: Eleanor Richardson
“The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there,” L.P. Hartley wrote in his novel
Speech Writing Ideas with Michael Franklin
This month’s Speech Writing Competition is well underway, dear writers, and we are already...
Speechwriting Tips with Sarah Hurwitz, White House Speechwriter
This is an unprecedented time around the world—from the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic, to...
Historical Fiction Competition 2020 Winners Announced
From the fields of Ireland to the dust and dirt on a baseball diamond, the excitement of summer in...
Meet Best Peer Review Winner Ruth Foote
One of the best parts of writing (and reading!) is experiencing the world from another point of...
Meet Flash Fiction Winner Tula Singer
As writers, we have the power to not only create worlds from scratch but to also imagine our own...