When we sit down to eat, we are not usually thinking about how the food before us got onto our...
The Write the World Blog
Meet Best Peer Review Winner Audrey Sioeng
One of the core tenets of peer reviewing is to approach your review with kindness and...
Poetry & Spoken Word Competition Winners Announced
The task of the poet is to weave together disparate images, memories, and experiences to present a...
Q&A with Poet Jacob Sam-La Rose
In our endlessly busy world, it can seem that efficiency is prized above all else—but as our...
Meet Best Peer Review Winner Miriam Reichenberg
Song Writing Competition Best Peer Review winner Miriam Reichenberg (US) proves how helpful it is...
Op-Ed Competition 2021 Winners Announced
At first glance the op-ed might seem like an intimidating genre. But as the entries for our 2021...
Meet Best Performance Song Writing Competition Winner Katherine Xu
In creating the video for “Top of My School,” Katherine Xu (Canada) started out with witty,...
Song Writing Competition Winner: Eliza Rhinelander
In her song “Calliope,” Eliza Rhinelander (Canada) carries on the tradition of such works as Wicked
How to Get an Op Ed Published - with Naomi Zewde
Professor Naomi Zewde knows the power of a good op-ed: as a researcher with a focus on economic...