From a destructive memory drive to a disappearing city, from a world behind screens to a mutant on...
The Write the World Blog
Meet Best Peer Review Winner Amelia Protas
A peer review can be just as rewarding for the reviewer as it is for the recipient. As Amelia...
Meet Food Writing Competition Winner Eloise Davis
It’s easy to think that your experiences are only worth writing about if they are epic or...
Writing Science Fiction with Amie Kaufman
Writing a short story that takes place in our world is tricky enough, but when you’re trying to...
Meet Best Peer Review Winner Zinnia Hansen
Zinnina Hansen (US) embodies the ethos of Write the World: she was inspired by the prize-winning...
Food Writing Competition 2021 Winners Announced
It’s easy to think of food as just another part (albeit a tasty part!) of our daily routine. But...
Meet Best Spoken Word Winner Stella Xia
Picking the right genre for what you want to say is much like choosing the right baking pan for...
Meet Best Written Poem Winner Lily Wang
While one might think that the process for editing a poem would require a different approach than...
Catching Up With WtW Alum Max Berry
We’re catching up with Max Berry, former WtW member (and competition winner)! Since his time at...