Poetry is an inherently experimental form, which opens up a space to explore complex and diverse...
The Write the World Blog
writing competitions (8)
Poetry Competition Winners Announced 2023
In our Poetry Competition based around the theme of ‘origins,’ young writers across the world...
Meet the Writers on Earth Competition Winners
The winners of our Writers on Earth Competition wrote powerful letters to advocate for the...
Meet the Novel Writing Competition Winners 2022
The winners of our Novel Writing Competition introduced their readers to intriguing, unfamiliar...
Writers on Earth Competition Winners Announced
Our Writers on Earth Competition, in solidarity with Earthshot Prize, encouraged young people...
Novel Writing Competition Winners Announced
Novel writing is a form which opens windows into different worlds, drawing readers in through the...
Writers on Earth Q&A with Guest Judge Dan Fagin
In a time of global environmental discussions, it is more important than ever to speak up and give...
Climate Change Writing Q&A with Guest Judge Bill McKibben
The climate crisis affects all of us around the world. And it poses “an existential threat that we...
Gender Equality Op-Ed Competition Winners Announced 2022
In a time when gender inequality, injustices, and violence are center stage in many countries...