You might not think “witty writing” and “environmental journalism” naturally go together, but this...
The Write the World Blog
Featured Writer: Jenna Brooks
It’s a common assumption, unfortunately, that writing for children is a simple task. However, as...
Featured Writer: Tamsyn McLean
The process of writing often involves getting into the world of your character and seeing things...
Environmental Journalism Competition 2020 Winners Announced
With our recent publication of Writers on Earth, environmental writing is fresh on our minds. From...
Tips for Writing Fiction Based on Real Life
One of the most exciting parts of being a writer is stepping outside yourself; you can muse about...
Environmental Journalism Writing Tips
Writing environmental journalism requires you to confront a massive problem—climate change—and...
Writing for Children Competition 2020 Winners Announced
Most of us can remember, without hesitation, our favorite children’s books—the ones we begged to...
The Big Guide on How to Overcome Writer's Block
by Brittany Collins
Hello, writers!
I’ve chosen to tackle the following question from Thenjiwe...
Meet My December Competition Winner Amalia Costa
We could all take a page from Amalia Costa’s book. When working on her My December Competition...