Writing in the science fiction or fantasy genre offers a unique opportunity to explore our reality...
The Write the World Blog
Flash Fiction Competition 2023 Winners Announced!
With the challenge to pen a story in just 99 words, our Flash Fiction Competition saw young writers...
Exploring Ecopoetry with Guest Judge Craig Santos Perez
Craig Santos Perez, award-winning poet and Guest Judge for our Nature & Environmental Poetry...
Tips for Writing Personal Narrative Essays and Peer Reviewing, from our Creative Nonfiction Competition Winners
The challenge of creative nonfiction is telling a genuine (and often deeply personal) story through...
Tips for Writing Flash Fiction, with Guest Judge Tara Lynn Masih
With an extremely limited word count, flash fiction encourages writers to pack meaning and...
Creative Nonfiction Competition 2023 Winners Announced!
From a community Supper Club to a difficult relationship with an absent father, our Creative...
Apply to be a Community Ambassador by August 14
Don’t miss out on the chance to apply to join the Write the World team as a Community Ambassador!...
All About Songwriting, with the Winners of our June 2023 Competition
Songwriting is about capturing a listener's attention, introducing them to new places, experiences...
Songwriting Competition 2023 Winners Announced
From the struggle for identity in adolescence, to the dangers of overlooking climate change, the...