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Meet Sports Writing Competition Winner: Elanora Rose

To develop believable characters, us writers must have the ability to view the world through a range of differing perspectives. Elanora Rose, Best Peer Review winner AND Runner-Up in our Sports Writing Competition, reminds us that this is the exact same skill required in writing peer reviews, as it helps to both provide useful feedback and deliver it in the most thoughtful way. “It is very important to look at the piece in the writer’s eyes as well as your own,” she says. “Looking through both points of view helps you connect with the writer as well as strengthen your review.” 

Read on to learn more about Elanora, including her tips for balancing research and story in journalism and her writing goals for the rest of the year!


You won not only Best Peer Review in our Sports Writing Competition but also Runner-Up! How did entering the competition support your peer review, and vice versa?

As I reviewed, I made sure to keep my eye out for techniques that would be good for my piece and what to avoid. As for how entering improved my review, I thought about what I would like to hear for feedback on my piece and applied that to my review. I made sure to answer the questions Taylor._.tott asked in their message and to include what I thought made their piece interesting and how it could be improved, all elements that I think are important in any review.

Guest Judge Joon Lee praised your piece for its “strong mix of anecdotes, data and storytelling that helped bring the piece to life.” How did you ensure you were combining these three elements, without leaning too heavily on any one? 

I researched the topic thoroughly before sitting down to write it. While writing, I balanced the three elements by adding them in layers; a few anecdotes in this paragraph, data in the next two, and a few paragraphs of storytelling next. I repeated this process throughout my piece and made sure that I put what I thought was a healthy amount of each element in it.

About your review, Joon Lee said that “the comments clearly demonstrate that the reader has thought deeply about the point of view of the writer and what makes the piece resonate.” As a reviewer, why is it important to put yourself in the shoes of the writer? Do you have any tips for other young writers in doing so? 

I believe that it is very important to look at the piece from the writer’s eyes as well as your own. Looking through both points of view helps you connect with the writer as well as strengthen your review. While reviewing, try to imagine the writer of the piece is sitting right next to you as you review their piece, instead of just thinking of them as a person on the other side of the screen.

What are your writing goals for the rest of 2022?

To continue working on the novel I’m writing without writer’s block or new ideas getting in the way!

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