We all know that to be a writer, you have to write. But what if you sit down at your keyboard or...
It’s February in the year 2020. I was 13 years old and bored out of my mind. Being homeschooled, my schoolwork only took up a couple of hours of my day, and the rest of that time was spent thinking, I’m soo bored…
But then, my Mum made an innocent suggestion. “Why don’t you join some writing competitions? It’ll be a good way to spend your time, and you might even win some cash, too!”
I approved of the suggestion and spent the entire afternoon scouring the internet, looking for fun competitions that offered cash prizes and were free to join (naturally). I remember finding a website that had a list of writing competitions, and I eagerly jotted down each one.
And then I saw it – Write the World (WtW). Monthly competitions with cash prizes? And it was free? I was especially intrigued to see that it was a global website for teens - just like me! I immediately clicked on the link and made my account (with the oh-so original username, Writing4Life). Little did I know that my spur-of-the-moment decision would spark an almost 5-year (and counting!) journey where I made new friends, improved my skill set, and discovered one of my greatest passions.
Hi, I’m Ruth! I’m an 18-year-old Australian with an immense love for writing. As I previously mentioned, I’ve been an active member of Write the World for close to 5 years now. I’ve had the chance to be involved with WtW in many different ways, from winning Best Peer Review in the 2020 Flash Fiction Competition to being a Community Ambassador in 2021, and now, I’m proud to be an intern!
If you’re new to WtW, welcome! I may be a bit biased (ok, very biased..), but I genuinely believe this is a website like no other. Writing has been scientifically proven to enhance cognitive development, encourage creativity and imagination, and provide a therapeutic outlet, which is especially vital for teens.
During my time at WtW, I have massively expanded my writing repertoire. I went from writing exclusively poems and short stories to penning sonnets, haikus, a 13-chapter novel, and more.
If you haven’t explored the site much, I highly recommend checking out all the prompts we have to offer. If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent countless hours staring at a blank computer screen (or notebook), hoping that maybe if you wait long enough, inspiration will strike. This is why I find it so helpful to have such a wide variety of prompts readily available. And don’t forget the monthly competitions! I’ve always really enjoyed entering these, as I found the incentive of a cash prize helped me to produce higher quality writing with more thought attached. Plus, if you submit your piece quickly enough, you might be lucky enough to receive an Expert Review by one of our talented staff members. You’ll have to be quick though – the 50 slots fill up fast!
Personally, my favorite element of the website is the community. Never before in my life have I found such positive, encouraging, and kind people online. I loved making friends by commenting on their pieces and finding shared interests.
Our peer review feature is another amazing aspect, and I highly recommend giving it a try. Reviewing a piece takes as much skill as writing one, and I find it is incredibly rewarding.
The benefits I’ve gained from Write the World extend far beyond just writing on the platform because I use skills I learned there for everyday things, too! Whether that’s writing a killer résumé for a job, devising a play for my acting classes, or sometimes even composing a song that only my dog will ever hear.
I’ve seen a number of new members on the site recently, and I hope you all know we’re thrilled to have you! Write the World offers a unique and priceless opportunity to showcase your writing on a global stage, free from judgment. I hope you have bucketloads of fun exploring the site through prompts, competitions, or even this blog post. And to all those young writers who found this site through those three magic words (I’m so bored...), congratulations because you’ve just found your cure.
By Ruth Foote:
Ruth Foote is an 18-year-old Australian with an immense love for all things creative; whether that’s acting, singing, or perhaps most importantly, writing! Her love of writing started at a young age, and that love only increased when she discovered WtW. She is currently studying acting, but hopes to continue her creative writing pursuits and perhaps one day incorporate it into her career.