by Lisa Hiton
The stigma around poetry is longstanding, for in many contemporary cultures, our...
by Lisa Hiton
Whether you sit down at a family Seder each year to retell the story of the Jews leaving Egypt, listen to your grandparents’ tales from the “old days”, or just can’t wait for a new episode of The Moth to download, we all love a good story. Our love of reading good stories and our desire to write good stories comes from our early encounters hearing them.
Poetry too, comes from this oral tradition. While once, orating was necessary as a means for humans to communicate and pass on all kinds of information and modes of expression, poetry’s roots in recitation still remain at the forefront of the art today.
In this month’s Write Place, we’ll take a look at several poetry communities who share the love of storytelling and the spoken word.
America’s Favorite Poem Project was begun by (and still run by) Robert Pinsky (Robert Pinksy was also our Guest Judge for our Poetry and Spoken Word competition!). The project is a growing archive of videos that show and celebrate Americans reciting their favorite poems. Pinsky founded the project in 1997 while he was the US Poet Laureate. The project now includes a video archive, multiple anthologies, and a summer institute with resources on poetry for K-12 educators.
According to Pinsky, “poetry is a vocal art, an art meant to be read aloud. If a poem is written well, it is written with a poet’s voice and for a voice,’ he says. ‘Reading a poem silently instead of saying a poem is like the difference between staring at sheet music or actually humming or playing the music on an instrument.’” The project’s first year of open submissions yielded over 18,000 entries. Memorizing poems is a tradition as old as Homer’s The Odyssey. Participating in this practice can help us better understand how and why poem’s work, which can help us when we write our own.
Louder Than a Bomb—or LTAB—is an organization in which students write their own poems and recite them at a slam poetry competition. LTAB started in Chicago in 2001, just after 9/11. Like many poetry movements, LTAB arose as a community need in Chicago. After the Twin Towers fell, “young people of color in Chicago were being targeted by an anti-gang loitering law, which took away their right to assemble in groups of more than two.” The founders of LTAB sought to create a space where young people could be together and express themselves despite the violence and fear they faced in their day to day lives. Now, LTAB is the largest youth poetry slam in the world. Using LTAB’s model can help us all learn to write better. It can also teach us how to be heard. And perhaps most importantly, it can help us learn to listen to others.
Poetry Out Loud is a poetry recitation contest that began in 2006 to encourage student engagement with poetry. The contest is currently run in the U.S. The nationwide contest begins in individual classrooms. Students advance to schoolwide levels, then statewide, and eventually, the contest ends with finalists competing in Washington, D.C. Even if you aren’t in the U.S., Poetry Out Loud has materials to help you start committing poems to memory and working with recitation.
Poetry Out Loud has all kinds of resources available on their website. Students are to select poems from their official list of works to memorize. As you find your own poems to memorize, you’ll begin to see how lines work, how rhymes and meters begin to take that seemingly strange thing we call a poem and make it into something more like a song. You can even host your own Poetry Out Loud contest amongst friends or across your school.
In the case of each of these organizations, loving poetry is at the forefront of their missions. Poetry is the central element that creates these communities. It brings people together to perform, sure, but more importantly to listen. We all have a voice. We all have the power to express. And we all have the power to be heard by each other. And despite the elements of competition in some of these organizations, the skills you will learn from reciting poetry—your own or the poems of others—go beyond literature. You’ll learn how to speak in front of others with confidence. You’ll practice your public speaking skills. Your knowledge about literary history and its place in communities will grow. You’ll learn how to listen to others. And you’ll learn how to speak for yourself. You’ll learn how all of these voices can belong in one community.
About Lisa
Lisa Hiton is an editorial associate at Write the World. She writes two series on our blog: The Write Place where she comments on life as a writer, and Reading like a Writer where she recommends books about writing in different genres. She’s also the interviews editor of Cosmonauts Avenue and the poetry editor of the Adroit Journal.
by Lisa Hiton
The stigma around poetry is longstanding, for in many contemporary cultures, our...
When writing poetry, the smallest details and language choices are just as important as...
For most readers, poetry is the genre of literature that holds an air of mystery over us. Poems...