It’s the season of giving. Yet shopping for gifts can be a stressful experience. There’s the expense, the pressure to pick the perfect thing, and, if you’ve ordered online, the worry it will arrive on time. On top of that, there’s the increased carbon footprint that comes with consumerism. That’s why we’ve pulled together this list of DIY literary gifts that are low on cost, low on waste, and big on meaning. From the gift of your own music to starting a book club for friends and family … the search for the perfect present is over.

Create a Broadside
Friends or family who fill their walls with meaningful art are sure to love a handmade broadside. What’s a broadside, you ask? It’s simply a decorative sheet of text and images. To make your own, first pick your words—a favorite quote, one of your poems, or even something the recipient wrote—then arrange them artfully on paper. You don’t have to be an illustrator to make a beautiful broadside. You can decorate it with stamps, wrapping paper, washi tape, and more. Our blogger Lisa Hiton lays out step-by-step instructions here. And if you’d like to use one of your own pieces of writing but aren’t sure which, check out Michael Lydon’s blog on what makes a compelling poem.
Make Your Own Book
Go one step further and compile your writing into a book. It’s a simpler process than you might think, as writer and Rolling Stone co-founding editor Michael Lydon demonstrates here. Whether your book contains a collection of your poems, several short stories, or even a novella, the recipient is sure to be impressed and touched.

Craft a Children’s Book
Any child in your life will be delighted by a children’s book you’ve created especially for them. To get started, take a look at these tips from blogger Michael Lydon and award-winning picture book author Minh Lê.
Write a Song
If you’re musically inclined, there’s no better gift you could give a loved one than a recording of one of your songs. For tips on writing and recording a song, check out our interviews with former Songwriting Competition judges Hankus Netsky and Paul Hankinson.

Collect Family Recipes
A recipe collection not only serves as a practical reference, it’s also a documentation of family history and tradition. You can compile many recipes into a book or feature one on a broadside, include illustrations or reflective essays, or simply write them in a nice notebook—the possibilities are endless. Lisa Hiton has instructions and tips here.
Start a Book Club
Why not give a group of friends or family members the gift of your very own book club!? Check out our guide on how to start and moderate one here. Now, we know you can’t actually unwrap a book club, so if you’d like to give your recipients something tangible as well, make a creative invitation or gather up a book club starter kit that includes the first book selection, a question guide, and a snack or two.
Handmade Thank You Cards
A set of handmade thank you cards is a practical, thoughtful gift that will not only come in handy after the holidays or a birthday but will also remind friends and family members of the power of expressing gratitude. Lisa Hiton shows you how to make your own here. Be sure to make a second set for yourself, so you can send out your thanks, too!