Write the World Blog

15+ AI Prompt Examples for Young Writers: Ways to Experiment with AI

Written by Brittany Collins | Jan 31, 2024 10:30:00 PM

AI tools like ChatGPT have sparked a lot of debate: should we use them or ban them? Are they replacing writers and editors, or supporting their skill sets? Will everyone need to use these tools in school and life in the future? How can we use them ethically, preserving what is uniquely human while using them, like calculators in math class, to support—not replace—our work?

At Write the World, we are exploring how AI tools can enhance the writing process—for example, by providing feedback, supporting English language learners, and modeling real-world audiences in ways that make writing relevant and accessible, centering the authentic voice and work of you, the teen author!

Here are several ways you might experiment with AI as you write on Write the World.*


* Write the World is a free online community where teen writers aged 13-19 can write, share, and review each other’s works. Respond to prompts in different genres or enter the free monthly writing competition for cash prizes. Sign up today.

Please note: If you are using Write the World at school, check in with your teacher about whether/how they would like you to use AI; additionally, we do not currently allow the use of AI in competition entries—read more about our policy here).

Use AI as a Peer Review Partner

Writing is a social activity, made better by meaningful interactions with readers and reviewers who hold different perspectives and life experiences that shed new light on our work. 

Nothing can replace the process of exchanging drafts with others immersed in the writing process themselves, puzzling over plot elements or discussing dialogue. But writers can benefit from multiple types of feedback, which is where AI might be useful. 

While awaiting a peer review from a teen across the globe, for example—a review that will facilitate cross-cultural connection, even friendship—you might ask AI for immediate, targeted feedback on grammar, for example, or your use of imagery. Or you might do so before submitting for human peer review, working to make your work as strong as possible before sending it off on its far-flung adventure. 

Comparing and contrasting AI and human feedback will give you multiple touchpoints for revision, meaning you are better positioned to strengthen your writing skills and make your piece shine. 

Prompt Idea #1: How can I improve the use of [imagery] in my poem?


Prompt Idea #2: Are there any contradictions in my story?


Prompt Idea #3: Can you find any errors in my use of [iambic pentameter] in my poem? 


Prompt Idea #4: How can I improve my argument in my op-ed?

AI Can Support English Language Learning and/or Translation Support

As a global organization, the Write the World community holds a beautiful blend of languages and cultures in its midst, as well as many young writers looking to explore writing in languages different from their language of origin.

AI tools can support the language acquisition process by making suggestions for editing and revision that align with language conventions and contexts. When paired with translation tools, it can offer copyediting services that both strengthen a piece of writing and help the writer internalize language—from usage and mechanics, to meaning.

Prompt Idea #5: Rewrite this character’s dialogue in an [Australian] accent.
Prompt Idea #6: How does this idiom translate into a similar idiom in [English]?
Prompt Idea #7: What are some loving names a mother might call a child in [Hindi]?

Use AI to Simulate Your Intended Audience for Specific Feedback

A key part of writing is composing a piece for an intended audience. Your content, message, tone, and argumentation are most effective when tailored to a specific group of readers: for example, if you are writing an opinion piece about the importance of environmental activism, your work will read differently if intended to educate a group of kindergarteners, convince local political leaders to take action, or appeal to community elders. 

AI can help you hone your message by providing feedback from the perspective of your intended readers. Prompt the tool to act as your identified audience, and to offer suggestions that serve the main purpose of your piece (e.g. argumentation, experimentation, education, making an emotional appeal, etc.).

Prompt Idea #8: What counter-argument might a fellow debater make about my speech’s first point?


Prompt Idea #9:  Are there any words or sentences in my story that I could replace with words that are easier for a [third-grader] to understand?


Prompt Idea #10: Write 5 title ideas that would appeal to [high school students] who care about [fair trade fashion].

>> Looking for more writing tips for different genres? Check out our other blog posts!

AI Can Be Your Time Traveler

When you think about an intended audience for your work, do you ever wish you could share your piece with a celebrity, best-selling author, or historical figure? With AI tools, you can create simulated audiences, allowing for this type of feedback experience. Prompt your AI tool of choice to respond to your writing from the perspective of _____ (e.g. Maya Angelou, Taylor Swift, Phil Kaye, J.K. Rowling).

Prompt Idea #11: How might [Maya Angelou] critique the message in my poem?


Prompt Idea #12: What would [Suzanne Collins] suggest happen next in my story?


Prompt Idea #13: How might [Ernest Hemingway] rewrite the ending of my flash fiction?

Use AI as a Social Media Marketing Assistant

Professional authors are not only writers, they must also hone their marketing, public relations, and business skills to build a platform for getting their work into readers’ hands.

Sometimes this means crafting catchy social media captions, or creating titles and subtitles (known as “heds” and “deks” in journalism) aligned with search engine optimization (SEO) best practices, ensuring their work will rank highly in Google and other search engines. Share your writing, or a summary of your work, with your AI tool to engage in a chat about social media posts, titles, headlines, and other short-form branding content to help get your work out into the world.

Prompt Idea #14: Write a 250 character social media message that uses [second person] to put the reader in the situation of the beginning of my novel…


Prompt Idea #15: Write a [pun-filled] headline to celebrate the publication of [my collection of comedic poems] and invite local [Bostonians] to an author reading…

Download the printable PDF version of the AI Prompt Examples List

Do you have additional ideas, or ways you’re using AI to support creativity? Reach out to hello@writetheworld.org with the subject line “AI Ideas” to add to the conversation. We could feature your prompt idea here or on our social media!